In this post I am going to few answer regarding Villa for Sale. Before read this read my first post about Villa for Sale.
Villa for Sale leaves all the characters.
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Villa for Sale leaves all the characters.
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I'm in complete agreement with the statement that "Villa For Sale" leaves all the main characters happy at the end. The main intention of Juliette is to sell the villa earning a big profit of her own. The story reminds us that it had become very difficult to her to sell the villa and decided to cut lost as well. She was expecting a buyer from an agency. Even though Jeanne and Gaston, the buyers were very negative towards the villa, finally
Gaston agrees to buy it making Juliette very happy. She was much exited and shocked at the beginning feeling that she couldn't be able to sell it. Yet she materialized her hope of buying the villa and become very happy. Even though she was flattered by Gaston, it wasn't found down. The major character, Gaston can be consider happiest among the main characters for he earned one hundred thousand francs and carat for nothing. He was hesitant to buy the villa yet he agree to buy as he very shrewdly sold it before buying. He spoke the good of villa for his selfish motive.
"A bathroom with a both in it . Bedrooms, two large and one small, two servants' rooms and a garden.It is really possible. While you were upstairs, I have been thinking a lot about your papa and mama. You see, I'm unselfish " He earned that much quite easily so that he was very happy and tells his wife," I'll tell later ". Jeanne, Gaston's wife on the other hand she also happy in buying the villa. Gaston's utterance about her father and mother and the sister's children might probably make her happy. While all at once, Gaston has change his view about her father and mother surprises. His sudden change of buying the villa leads the happiness of his wife. The American lady, Mrs. Al Smith is important to see her intention gets through. The playwright reminds us that she is a big star and wants to buy the villa. Not because she likes to stay there but because she wants to destroy it and build a bangbre. She doesn't have much time to spore she cannot spend more than five minutes. Now she becomes very happy because she had done the business in a short period and her hope is materialized.
Therefore we see that all the main characters in the villa for sale become very happy and the play also ends in a humorous situation.
that is a good answer. it is very related to my own answer