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June 2, 2011

Published 7:26 PM by Jason Oxenham with 0 comment

My Laud of "Doom Youth"

"Wilfred Owen (1893 - 1918)
Anthem for Doomed Youth here is my words of "Anthem for Doomed Youth". I suggest you must have your own about "...Doomed youth". So first familiar with poem and then come to this.......................................................................

Wilfred Owen in his poem "Anthem for Doomed youth" describes us the pathetic situation of soldiers who die in the battle field. As a readers we understand that he has a big respect towards them.So that he has a big respect towards them. so that he has named the poem as Anthem for Doomed youth. The poet's anger towards the war is emphasized in the first rhetorical question, 
                                            "What passing - bells for these who die as cattle"
                                 It's vital in the christian culture to ring the bells at funeral. Yet the poet questions whether the bells are rung[..] for these people who die as cattle. The writer is shocked to hear such deaths and proper funeral aren't arranged for them. Prayers are not read for them. But to replace them there is the rapid rattle of rife ls.
              "Only the stuttering rifels' rapid rattle
                 Can patter out their hasty orisons "

           Even if there are no proper funerals organized for them. The writer has some parallels. No speeches, prayers, no bells for them. There are no any voices of sorrow made for chem. No bugles are played. the writer reminds us that normally in a funerals there are candles lit and flowers used. Here the writer compares the holy shine of the eyes of the other soldiers become the candle meant for the dead people. People need a cloth to cover the coffin. In the poet's words it is done through the paleness of the sweet hearts and also there patient minds do the role of flowers. When if is very dark if is compared to the drawing down of blinds. The writer makes us aware that the dead soldiers do not get proper funerals which means they die without getting the tribute of other people. Therefore he presents his views about a dead soldiers mingled with anger. His anger tone can be understood in the way he puts his ideas in to words making us angry too. He creates negative feelings about war through this poem. The war destroys not only humans their rights and privileges as well. According to wilfred owen these people mustn't die like cattle. They should be given the proper respect . Finally he begins to sympathies the dead soldiers and tries to do a proper funerals with the parallels he use.
                             Therefore we come to understand that "Anthem for Doomed Youth" shows us the bad effects of war.       
 yes, no doubt there is no good effects of war.


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