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July 5, 2014

Published 2:46 PM by Jason Oxenham with 0 comment

Unravelling of the mystery in the novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles"

Dr.Watson contribute towards the Unravelling of the mystery in the novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles"

Dr. Watson in the novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles" appears as the best friend of Sherlock Holmes, the expert in crime. Also he is the personal assistant of Sherlock Holmes - who perceives the events and narrates to the audience of the reader. So he is the speaker of the first person 'I' in the novel. The reader sees the flow of events in Dr. Watson's point of view. At the very out set Dr.Watson proves himself to be so humble and down to earth. When his deductions proved to be wrong Sherlock Holmes corrects them. He humbly appreciates the latter, his friend. “I was proud too, to think I had learned his (Holmes's)" methods sufficiently..."

Dr. Watson is the Holmes confidante; the most trustworthy person whom he thinks over discusses strategies. Very often he retraces the crime from the very beginning to the end. Dr. Watson acts the role of the commentator too. He’s the Holmes’s reporter and the messenger too.

Dr.Watson is entrusted as the proctor of Sir Henry throughout the story. Dr.Watson is a medical doctor by training. He often wants to be complemented by his boon companion Sir Sherlock Holmes. So, Dr.Watson often depends on Sherlock Holmes for emotional support.

“I wish you simply report facts as completely as you can. I’ll work out possible theories to explain them…”

Being a keen observer, he reports what he notices to Sherlock Holmes.

In spite of his protest he follows Sir Henry until the moor; also he shadows Barry more in spite of the risk involved .Here Dr.Watson plays the role of a real friend and supporter. He is dare enough to go to coombe Tracy to find the real character of Laura Leyons. The information be identifies about Laura Leyons is very useful and helpful to Sherlock Holmes to proceed his investigation successfully. Dr.Watson sometimes becomes the Assistant Detective of Sherlock Holmes.

To discover the strange light on the tor he joined Sir Henry and takes great pain. Here he become a discover. He saves his partner Sherlock from troubles and dangerous situations. Also , he safeguarded Sir Henry’s life selflessly. Therefore he is a great savior too. The chain of events are reported to Sherlock Holmes and at the same time he reports each and every incident to the reader in and interesting manner. Also Dr.Watson is the person who maintains all the records of narrative events in order. Thus he gives his fullest corporation in all the investigation of Sherlock Holmes.

Dr.Watson plays a considerable role where the revelation of the mystery is concerned. He fills the vacuities of the story. He links the events of the story. He links the events of the story like a beads of a single chain. As a decoy, he plays an efficient role to trap the neediest persons. Dr.Watson is thoroughly conscious about the peculiar behaviour patterns of Mr .Barry more. This investigations leads the discovery of the brother in-law of Mrs. Barry more, Sheldon. Somehow or other Dr.Watson persuades Mr. Barry more. He discovers the hidden truth behind the death of Sir Charles.

With his quick intuition and common sense he saves the life of Sir Henry. Till the end of the story Dr.Watson keeps the reliability of Sherlock Holmes – as the spinal cord, those supplies with all the messages to the center of brain.

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